Connecticut is a "may-issue" state. The application of a gun permit requires only two steps. If a resident of the state wishes to possess a handgun, they must initially get a Connecticut Pistol Permit (CTPP) or Certificate of Eligibility for handguns. A background verification process is carried out before the permit is issued. Both Open carry and concealed carry are legal with a valid CTPP is Connecticut. However, residents with a valid permit from other states are not recognized in Connecticut.
Connecticut is one county where gun-carrying laws have changed with time. This state is also known for its easy and effective permit renewal policy. In the next few sections, we shall look at the diverse aspect of gun-carrying in Connecticut. Although Gun laws in Connecticut fall under the May Issue category, the rules feel more like Shall Issue. Court decisions surrounding Gun Laws have changed in Connecticut with time. The two-step, permit generating process is simple and effective. In addition to that, Connecticut also offers scope for obtaining a temporary permit. Local authorities offer local permits, but for state-level licensing, individuals need to connect with higher authorities.
Connecticut CCW Basics
There is a basic set of requirements any applicant willing to procure a Hand-gun must satisfy to get the Hand-gun license
- The applicant must be a minimum of 21 years of age on the date of application
- The applicant must be a resident of Connecticut state
- Must have demonstrated the ability to handle Handguns
- Must have a clear criminal record in recent years
- Must not have any charges or offenses in the past three years
- Must not be chronically or mentally ill in recent years
The CCW handgun application process is basically of two steps. The applicant is provided with a temporary permit first after which the main application is processed through the DESPP. A fee of USD 70 has to be paid to get the permit and the permit is valid for 5 years. The applicant may have to submit a recently taken passport size photograph and two fingerprint cards along with the application form. The applicant must complete the handgun safety course prior to submitting the application form(DPS-799-C). Within 60 days of the application submission, the Division of State Police will review and respond.
Renewal notices will be issued ninety days prior to the expiration of the current permit. All permits are renewed upon personal visits to the DESPP Headquarters or through the mail. The renewal application form DPS-129-C must be completed with accurate information. For all mail renewals, the applicant must submit the verified application form along with color passport size photographs. Upon verification and approval, the permits will be issued.
The applicant must have to pay a fee of USD 75.00 fee and USD 13.25 towards application processing.
Conneticut CCW Laws Basics
Must Notify Officer
NO – Must Inform Officer on Contact By Law
As per Connecticut Gun laws "There is nothing" that indicates an individual to inform the officials when approached for an enquiry regarding the possession of a firearm. But it is a must to carry the firearm permit along with you all times if you are carrying the firearm with you. It is a right to possess a firearm with an appropriate permit.
No Weapon Signs Enforced
Connecticut gun laws enforce the weapon law to “No Weapons” signs. If any individual enter private property with a weapon, you are entitled to pay penalty. It is recommended to avoid entering into area that is restricted with "No Weapon" sign.
Vehicle Carry
NO – Without a Permit/License
You may have to carry a valid license to carry a weapon in a vehicle.
Open Carry
YES/NO – Without a Permit/License
As per Connecticut gun laws, any individual possessing a "Connecticut Weapon License" can legally carry weapons and firearms openly in hand, vehicle or to the place of work.
Connecticut Gun Forms & Supporting Documentation
Purchase & Possession
A state permit is not required for rifle or shotgun purchases. A sale or delivery of any rifle or shotgun may not be made until two weeks from the date of application for purchase. There is no waiting period required for law enforcement officers, active duty military personnel, holders of a valid state permit to carry a handgun and those persons possessing a valid hunting license, or an antique firearm.
To purchase a pistol or revolver in the state of Connecticut, a permit to carry a handgun, a permit to sell handguns, or a handgun eligibility certificate is required. The Connecticut State Police must be contacted by any firm or corporation, or person wishing to sell or transfer a handgun for purposes of verification of the validity of the permit to carry or sell a handgun or the eligibility certificate. Sellers of firearms must maintain records of all sales for a minimum of five years.
Anyone who is at least 21 years of age, desiring to possess a pistol or revolver can apply to the Commissioner of Public Safety for an eligibility certificate. If an applicant has successfully completed a handgun safety course or training course that is approved, may legally possess a handgun under state and federal law, the Commissioner must issue this certificate. A fee of $35 must be paid by the applicant and a set of fingerprints must be submitted. The certificate will be valid for a period of five years. When a certificate holder changes his/her address the Commissioner of Public Safety must be notified within a period of two business days.
A person possessing a certificate of eligibility for a handgun is not automatically authorized to carry a pistol or revolver.
It is illegal to transfer or sell a handgun to a person under the age of 21, who may not lawfully possess a firearm under state or federal law. A handgun can be transferred temporarily to a person for purposes of target shooting if the person is under 21 and under immediate supervision by a person authorized to possess and use a handgun.
A gun lock, gun locking device, or trigger lock that is reusable, is required for the retail transfer, sale or delivery of any pistol or revolver by a person, firm or corporation.
The Connecticut State Police must be contacted for a background check before any person, corporation, or firm can legally sell, deliver or transfer a firearm to another person from a gun show. An authorization number must be received from the Commissioner of the Connecticut State Police in reference to the background check.
A state permit is not required for possession of a handgun, shotgun or rifle. No state permit is required for the possession of rifles, shotguns or handguns.
In order to possess a handgun, a person must be at least 21 years of age.
It is illegal to possess a handgun by any person convicted of a felony; convicted of a serious juvenile offense that includes the possession of a controlled substance, negligent homicide, first degree assault, third degree assault, first degree reckless endangerment, second degree unlawful restraint, second degree stalking, or rioting or has been discharged from custody within the past 20 years upon acquittal, by reason of mental defect or disease; confined by court order for any mental illness within the past 12 months; is subject to a restraining or protective order that involves physical force; or is an illegal alien. It is illegal for a convicted felon to possess any firearm.
Carrying a Firearm
In order to carry a handgun on or about the person, whether concealed or in the open, or in a vehicle, a permit to carry a pistol or revolver is required.
According to the Connecticut Board of Firearms Permit Examiners (which reviews denials and revocations) advises, "every effort should be made to ensure that no gun is exposed to view or carried in a manner that would tend to alarm people who see it."
Although a person may still be on his/her own property, a permit to carry a handgun outside of his/her home is required. A permit is also required for employees of a business (who do not own/operate the business) to carry a handgun. In order to transport a handgun between one’s place of residence and place of business or to and from a target shooting range.
A local permit to carry a pistol or revolver must be obtained before a Connecticut state permit can be awarded. Out-of-state residents can apply to the Connecticut State Police directly for a non-resident Connecticut State Pistol Permit.
In the case of a state pistol permit, applicants can apply at any state police barracks. Application paperwork for a local permit may be obtained from a local police department, city or town hall or first selectman’s office. Before submitting an application for a pistol or revolver, applicants must complete a handgun safety course. A background investigation, and criminal history check must be submitted by an applicant for a permit, as well as photographs requested by the governing agency.
A concealed carry license may be issued if the licensing authority determines that the applicant:
Is at least 21 years old;
- Is a legal resident of the United States; (Proof of citizenship must be presented, such as, a birth certificate, voter’s registration card, or U.S. passport) Applicants must provide proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, voters' registration card or a U.S. passport. Non-citizens with legal resident status must provide Alien Registration numbers and a 90-day proof of residency. Naturalized citizens must present proof of citizenship.)
- Residences or has a business in the jurisdiction where they are applying;
- Agrees that use of a handgun is only for lawful purposes.
- Is considered "suitable" to receive a concealed carry permit; (New permits and the revocation of existing permits fall under the suitability clause.)
- Has not been convicted of a any violation or felony of the following:
- Criminal possession of a controlled substance;
- Criminally negligent homicide;
- Third degree assault;
- First degree reckless endangerement;
- Second degree unlawful restraint;
- First degree riot;
- Second degree stalking;
- Has not been convicted of a serious offense as a delinquent.
- Has not been incarcerated and discharged after having been found guilty of a crime, by reason of a mental defect within the past 20 years.
- Is not under a restraining or protective order, involving the use of physical force or attempted physical force;
- Has not had firearms seized for posing a risk to himself/herself or others upon a legal hearing; or
- May legally possess a firearm after having been adjudicated under federal law as a mentally incompetent.
The local permit (temporary pistol permit) fee is $70.00. The state permit fee is $70.00 in addition to the required fees for a National Criminal History Records Check. Applications will be either approved or denied within a period of eight weeks, whereby the applicant shall be notified. Any refusal or revocation of a permit within 90 days to the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners, State Armory, 505 Hudson Street, 5th Floor, Hartford, Hartford, CT 06106. The review process is free of charge. If “just and proper cause” is found, the Board will overturn its decision to refuse or revoke a permit. Appeals can be made by either the applicant or the issuing authority of the permit.
Unless it is revoked due to cause, a state permit shall be valid for a period of five years. There is a $70.00 fee for renewal of a permit.
The permit to carry a handgun may be revoked if it is determined by the issuing authority that a permit holder is no longer suitable due to a convicted felony or specified misdemeanor or after an event that disqualify him/her from being issued a license.
Under the following circumstances, a permit to carry is not required:
- If the transporter of the handgun is a peace officer;
- If the possessor of the handgun is in his/her home or place of business;
- While engaged in the act of transporting the handgun from the place it was purchased to his/her residence or place of business as long as the firearm remains in the original unopened wrapping included at the time of sale;
- While moving one’s residence from one place to another;
- While transporting an antique handgun.
It is illegal to possess a firearm on any elementary or secondary school property, whether private or public. This does not apply to any person possessing a permit to carry a firearm from a school official or traveling across school property with an unloaded firearm en route to legal hunting grounds, as long as it is not prohibited by school officials.
Antiques & Replicas
An antique firearm refers to any firearm that was manufactured before or in the year 1898 or any replica that is not designed to for use with rimfire or centerfire ammunition or that uses rimfire or centerfoire ammunition that is no longer manufactured in the U.S. and not available for sale trough ordinary channels of trade.
Machine Guns
A machine gun may be possessed legally and in compliance with federal law if it is registered yearly with the state police. A machine gun refers to any weapon that is designed to shoot automatically by a single function of the trigger without reloading. This includes any parts that are designed to convert a weapon into a machine gun.
Within 24 hours of acquiring a machine gun, the firearm must be registered with the office of the public safety commission. Every year thereafter, the gun must be registered on July 1.
There is a presumption of possession for an offensive or aggressive purpose under the following circumstances.
- Any failure to register a machine gun, of a type required to be registered (see above);
- In possession in a location or area other than the possessor’s residence or place of business;
- When machine gun cartridges, either empty or loaded can be found in the immediate vicinity therof;
- When in the possession of a person convicted of a violent crime or an unnaturalized foreign-born person.
It is illegal to possess a machine gun for an “aggressive or offensive” purpose and is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 and imprisonment of not less than 5 years or more than 10 years.
Range Protection
All shooting ranges are exempt from civil or criminal claims of noise if the range was in operation after October 1, 1998 and operating in accordance with regulations in effect at that time. § 22a-74a. Exemption of firing and shooting ranges from criminal and civil liability for noise and noise pollution.
(a) Any owner, operator or user of a firing or shooting range operating on October 1, 1998, shall be exempt from criminal prosecution with respect to noise or noise pollution violations and immune from civil liability with respect to noise or noise pollution resulting from shooting activity on such range provided the range was, at the time of its construction or operational approval by the municipality in which it is located, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and regulations adopted hereunder.
(b) No standards in a noise control ordinance adopted by any municipality for limiting levels of noise in terms of decibel level which may occur in the outdoor atmosphere shall apply to any firing or shooting range exempted from liability under this section if such standards are inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or the regulations adopted hereunder.
(c) This section shall not limit the ability of a municipality to evaluate and regulate any increase in noise attributable to a physical expansion of an existing firing or shooting range.
Connecticut Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Connecticut's Reciprocity States
States that honor a Connecticut permit
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin
Connecticut honors permits from these states
Connecticut does not honor permits from any other states.
The local police department must be notified within 72 hours of any loss or theft of a firearm. Failure to notify the proper law enforcement authorities within 72 hours of loss or theft will result in a fine of up to $90.00 for the first offense and charged with a class D felony for any offense thereafter. A first time offender does not lose his/her right to to apply for or possess a firearms permit.
No loaded shotgun or rifle can be transported in a vehicle or snowmobile. Shot guns or rifles that are muzzle-loaded are considered unloaded even if there is a charge present in the bore, as long as there is no powder in the flash pan or percussion cap on the nipple.
Unless stored in the trunk of a vehicle or placed in another locked container, BB guns may not be transported.
It is illegal to alter, remove, deface, or obliterate the manufacturer’s name, serial number, make or other identifying mark from a firearm. A legal presumption is made that the person in possession of a firearm with markings removed committed the offense.
There is a fine of up to $1,000.00 for carrying a firearm without a permit or incarceration for not more than one year or both. This sentence may not be reduced or suspended by the court unless mitigating circumstances can be proven.
It is illegal to keep or store a loaded firearm on any premises if there is a reasonable likelihood that a person under the age of 16 (without parent’s or guardian’s permission) is likely to gain access to the weapon. This shall be nullified if the storage location for the firearm is believed to be secure, or in a locked container, or within close proximity or carried on his/her person legally.
An “assault weapon” may not be distributed, transported, imported, sold or possessed except in circumstances where provided by law.

Connecticut Off Limit Statues
Title 53a: Chpt. 952 Sec. 53a-217b - Possession of A Weapon on School Grounds: Class D Felony.
(a) A person is guilty of possession of a weapon on school grounds when, knowing that such person is not licensed or privileged to do so, such person possesses a firearm or deadly weapon, as defined in section 53a3,
(1) in or on the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school or
(2) at a school-sponsored activity as defined in subsection (h) of section 10-233a.
15; P.A. 01-84, S. 8, 26; P.A. 16-55, S. 10
Title 2: Chpt. 16 Sec. 2-1e (C) Interference with The Legislative Process; Firearms; Dangerous or Deadly Weapons; Explosives; Felony
(c) Any building in which the chamber of either house of the General Assembly is located or in which the official office of any member, officer or employee of the General Assembly or the office of any committee of the General Assembly or either house thereof is located or any building in which a committee of the General Assembly is holding a public hearing, any weapon, whether loaded or unloaded, from which a shot may be discharged, or a billy; and (2) any person is guilty of interfering with the legislative process when such person, alone or in concert with others, brings into, or possesses within, any such building, a switchblade, gravity knife, blackjack, bludgeon, metal knuckles or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument, or any explosive or incendiary or other dangerous device.
P..A. 16-193, S. 1.
The Judicial Branch bans the carrying of firearms in courthouses.
A 1999 executive order, issued by former Governor John Rowland, prohibits state agency personnel, contractors, subcontractors, and vendors from bringing firearms, among other dangerous weapons, onto state worksites (Executive Order No. 16).
Per HB 7223 New Section Effective 10/1/19 - Storage of Pistol/Revolver in Vehicle Left Unattended.
(a)(1) No person shall store or keep any pistol or revolver in any motor vehicle that is unattended unless such pistol or revolver is in the trunk, a locked safe or locked glove box.
(2) For purposes of this subsection,
(A) a motor vehicle is unattended if no person who is at least twenty-one years of age and who is the owner or operator or a passenger of such motor vehicle is inside the motor vehicle or is within close enough proximity to the motor vehicle to prevent unauthorized access to the motor vehicle,
(B) "pistol" and "revolver" mean pistol and revolver, each as defined in section 29-27 of the general statutes,
(C) "motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle, as defined in section 14-1 of the general statutes, and
(D) "trunk" means
(i) the fully enclosed and locked main storage or luggage compartment of a motor vehicle that is not accessible from the passenger compartment, or
(ii) a locked toolbox or utility box attached to the bed of a pickup truck, as defined in section 14-1 of the general statutes. "Trunk" does not include the rear of a pickup truck, except as otherwise provided, or of a hatchback, station-wagon-type automobile or sport utility vehicle or any compartment that has a window.
(d) Any person who violates any provision of subsection (a) of this section shall be guilty of a class A
misdemeanor for a first offense and a class D felony for any subsequent offense.
WoodBridge, CT Bans Firearms on All City Property
§ 231-3. - Town property
No hunting or target shooting or any other activity involving the discharge of a firearm, air gun, air rifle or crossbow, longbow or other weapon shall be permitted on any Town-owned property. The possession of any loaded firearm, air gun, air rifle or crossbow, longbow or other weapon on Town-owned property shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
§ 231-4. - Penalties for offenses
§ 231-2 or 231-3 of this chapter shall be a violation punishable by a fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both.